Tag: Reforms
The Real Deal
In one of his famous stories, Sherlock Holmes solves the riddle because of the dog that didn’t bark....
Mexico’s Energy Reform Outlook: Potential Political and Technical Risks
Analysis on the political and technical risks for Mexico's Energy Reform.
Renewing Mexico’s Energy Future
Mexico is facing a threat that puts its future economic development at stake: the difficulty of gaining access...
Marie Curie, the Nobel Prize winning scientist, on a certain occasion affirmed that “one never notices what has...
A Light for National Competitiveness: Reform proposal for the Mexican electric sector
The electric sector’s development is essential for expanding competitiveness in Mexican economy. Nevertheless, the electricity service within the...
Pockets of Resistance
All governments end up encountering pockets of resistance. Some are very ambitious and try to change many components...
Indigestible reforms.
“We’re not here to manage but to transform the country”. The aforementioned has been repeatedly stated by President...
Another Reform?
The problem with the political-electoral reform proposals that, from the one in 1977, swarm about the scenario after...
The Reform on Competition and Telecommunications: some initial assessments
Mexico is a country with issues in several markets in which one can find oligopolies or over-powered entities....
5 red flags regarding the criminal law reform
Institutions haven’t managed to successfully communicate the purpose of the reform and, as a consequence, myths prevail; for...