The problem of power

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Captura de pantalla 2016-06-27 a la(s) 11.16.53

What used to be instruments for control are now obstacles to development; what used to be sources for growth are now dinosaurs on the verge of extinction. In the past, an entrepreneur could live and become wealthy if he associated himself with the government; nowadays, if he is not close with his customer he will be completely lost. The government has become either a source of aid or a problem in itself, but it is rarely a solution because it does not ultimately control the outcome. Earlier on, education contributed to controlling the population; now, control prevents people from acquiring the skills and capabilities that are needed for the country’s development. What used to be logical and rational –turning situations around or taking shortcuts in order to accelerate processes, what Argentines call viveza criolla (Creole cunning)– has become a massive problem. Clients expect compliance, investors monitor contract terms, and importers seek accountability. None of this can be accomplished with the viveza criolla; on the contrary, businesses that do not play by the rules of the modern world will be left out.

The rules of the modern world dominate economic activities because the new rules guide the export industry, migrants, and all “modern” economic sectors. Whoever does not follow these guidelines will fail. And in Mexico, the only sector that does not follow these modern rules is the government and, in a broader sense, the political sector.

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